
EST 1917

List of New Knesseters

May 19, 1977
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The results of yesterday’s election shows that the following will constitute the Ninth Knesset:

LIKUD – 41: Menachem Beigin, Simha Ehrlich, Yigal Hurwitz, Ezer Weizman, Moshe Nissim, Yitzhak Shamir, Gideon Patt, Moshe Arens, Yehezkel Flumin, Eliezer Shostak, David Levi, Avraham Sharir, Yoram Aridor, Pessach Grupper, Moshe Shamir, Hillel Seidel, Geula Cohen, Yitzhak Modai, Haim Corfu, Avraham Katz, Yigal Cohen, Yitzhak Berman, Mordechai Zippori, Dov Shilanski, Amnon Lin, Yosef Rom, Gustav Badian, Ehud Olmert, Moshe Katzav, Roni Milo, Sarah Doron, Michael Daiskell, Zalman Shuval, Meir Cohen, Moshe Meron, Kamal Nasser A-Din, Yitzhak Peretz and Yosef Tamir.

LABOR ALIGNMENT – 33: Shimon Peres, Yigal Allon, Abba Eban, Shlomo Hillel, Meir Talmi, Haim Zadok, Moshe Dayan, Shoshana Arbeli-Almoslino, Yitzhak Navon, Naftali Feder, Haim Barlev, Gad Yaacobi, Aharon Yadlin, Yehoshua Rabinowitz, Yeruham Meshel, Tamar Eshel, Amos Hadar, Danny Rosolio, Chaika Grossman, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Hacohen, Eli Moyal, Moshe Shahal, Eliahu Speizer, Uzi Baram, Moshe Amar, Jacques Amir, Yehezkel Zakkai, Ora Namir, Yossi Sarid, Adiel Amorai and Micha Harish. (The name of the 33rd Labor Knesseter was not immediately available because of a last-minute change in the number of seats from 32 to 33.)

NATIONAL RELIGIOUS PARTY – 12: Yosef Burg, Haim Druckman, Zevulun Hammer, Aharon Abu-Hatzeira, Avraham Melamed, Yehuda Ben-Meir, Eliezer Aftabbi, David Glass (Gal), Zerah Warhaftig, Benzion Rubin, Sarah Stern-Katan, Pinhas Sheinman.

DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE – 14: Yigael Yadin, Amnon Rubinstein, Meir Amit, Shmuel Tamir, Meir Zorea, Stef Wertheimer, Shmuel Toledano, Akiva Nof, Binyamin Halevi, Assaf Yaguri, David Golomb, Shafik Assad, Zeidan Atache and Mordechai Virshuvski.

RAKAH – 6: Meir Wilner, Tewfiq Toubi, Charlie Biton, Tewfiq Zayyad, Hanna Weiss and Avraham Levenbraun.

AGUDAT ISRAEL – 4: Yehuda Meir Abramowitz, Menahem Porush, Shlomo Lorincz and Shlomo Yaacov Gross.

POALEI AGUDA – 1: Kalman Kahane

SHELI -2: Arye Eliav and Meir Payil

UNITED ARAB LIST (Labor-affiliated) – 1: Seif e-Din Zuabi

SHLOMZION -2: Ariel Sharon, Yitzhak Yitzhaki

FLATTO-SHARON – 1: Samuel Flatto-Sharon


CIVIL RIGHTS – 1: Shulamit Aloni

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