
EST 1917

Leon Reich’s Body Sent to Palestine

November 6, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Exhumation of the body of Leon Reich, veteran Zionist leader of Galicia, who died in 1929, was witnessed by a huge throng, which included Zionist leaders, representatives of general Jewish organizations and government representatives. The body will be shipped to Palestine for final interment.

Delegates to the Eastern Galician conference which opens tomorrow were present at the ceremony.

Dr. Reich was a life-long Zionist and many times president of the Galician Zionist organization. In 1919, as vice-president of the Committee of Jewish Delegations, he wrote a brochure on minorities problems in Eastern Europe which was said to have heavily influenced statesmen who negotiated the peace. Later he served in the Polish Sejm as a deputy.

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