Outstanding figures in the life of the nation, headed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, joined yesterday in felicitating the Jewish Daily Bulletin on the step taken with today’s issue in expanding the publication’s size and making the paper available to the general public. Hundreds of messages received by Jacob Landau, publisher of the Jewish Daily Bulletin, and Herman Bernstcin, its editor, paid tribute to the value to the community of the first Jewish daily newspaper published in English and predicted that with its sphere of influence widened by its new publication form, the Jewish Daily Bulletin would become one of the outstanding forces in American Jewish life.
The White House
Jan 12 1934
My dear Mr. Landau:
I have learned that you intend to
alarge the activities of the Jewish daily Bulletin.
May I take advantage of this opportunity to extend my best wishes the success of the new enterise. These added facilities should crease its its usefulness.
Very sincerely ours,
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The establishement of a daily pair which infroms American Jewry garding all events and problems important for the entire Jewish people, is an undertaking which merits deep interest of all of us. Such course of information in these nee, when a large portion of the wish people are in jeopardy, is of rticularly great interest.
May this newspaper add to the engthening of the Jewish feeling solidarity and responsibility, in order to obtain new vitality from difficult external and interal problems of the present time.
Albert Einstein.
For many years I have been a describer to the Jewish Daily Bulletin and have found the service exmely valuable. The dissemination authentic news is always of value the community. I believe the vish Daily Bulletin has rendered eal contribution to Jewish community life and has made it possible bring before the people of the {SPAN}#d{/SPAN} honest facts honestly stated. heartiest congratulations for full future of success in your new {SPAN}#rtaking.{/SPAN}Herbert H. Lehman.
Mr. Landau:
learn with gratification of your to publish the Jewish Daily Palestine as a full size English language newspaper covering Jewish news in the thorough and complete paper which has always distinshed the work of the Jewish Daily Bulletin. I have often seen excellent and accurate reports Jewish news and life contained he Jewish Daily Bulltin and feel ain that you and your Managing tor, Mr. Herman Bernstein, will continue to serve the whole community in as creditalbe manner in future as in the past.
With best wishes for your success
Very sincerely yours,
Alfred E. Smith.
dear Mr. Landau:
have learned with interest and ification of plans for widening scope of influence of your paper naking it a daily publication.
#u occupy a strategic position in eld offering wide opportunities public service along lines that progressive and soundly contictive.
congratulate you and I congrater the community.#ith the best wishes for your ess, I am.
Sincerely yours,
F. H. LaGuardia.
Offer best wishes to the Jewish Bulletin under the editorship Dr. Herman Bernstein. I am dent your publication will re- the ability of a trained jourisnt whose knowledge and experience has been demonstrated in diplomar newspaper work and in other cities. I wish the Bulletin con-d success
Louis Wiley.
dear Mr. Landau:
enlargement of the Jewish Bulletin into the format of a newspaper, under the distined editorship of Mr. Herman stein, is cause for congratulation the American Jewry. I the Bulletin will matrain its ion for the home and dispaste dissermation of news
Joseph M Proskaner.
My dear Mr. Landau:
I rejoice to learn that the Jewish Daily Bulletin will appear in the enlarged format of a daily newspaper beginning Tuesday, January 16th, and that the new and enlarged daily newspaper edition of the Jewish Daily Bulletin is to be under the editorship of the Honorable Herman Bernstein, one of the old and tested American Jewish journalists.
The Jewish Daily Bulletin is a Jewish necessity. No one can be completely informed on Jewish affairs who does not read the Jewish Daily Bulletin. It is immensely important that it should now be made accessible to great numbers of non-Jews who will, I believe, be increasingly eager to consult its pages.
Faithfully yours,
Stephen S. Wise.
My dear Mr. Landau:
I am really pleased to hear that the Jewish Daily Bulletin is reaching out for a larger circulation and I think that you certainly are to be congratulated upon securing Mr. Herman Bernstein as your editor.
Wishing you every success, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Henry Morgenthau.
Dear Mr. Landau:
I congratulate Mr. Bernstein on assuming the editorship of the paper. I have known him for many years and I admire him greatly. He is an outstanding journalist of great ability.
Abram I. Elkus.
Dear Mr. Landau:
On the occasion of the appearance of your publication as a daily newspaper, I wish to extend to you my warm wishes for success.
The Jewish Daily Bulletin by its efficient and intelligent news service has come to be indispensable to those who are concerned with the problems and welfare of our people. As a daily news paper I trust it will greatly extend the sphere of its usefulness.
I wish to congratulate you also upon securing Mr. Herman Bernstein as Editor of the Jewish Daily Bulletin. Mr. Bernstein enjoys high public esteem and his wide knowledge of Jewish affairs, coupled with a large background of experience in the field of journalism, makes his selection ideal.
Sincerely yours,
Morris Rothenberg.
My dear Mr. Landau:
I want to extend to you my warm congratulations on the appearance of the first issue of the enlarged Jewish Daily Bulletin and good wishes for success to the Editor, Mr. Herman Bernstein, and yourself.
Sincerely yours,
Percy S. Straus.
Dear Mr. Landau:
I learn with considerable interest of your plan to publish the Jewish Daily Bulletin in an enlargd form under the editorship of Mr. Herman Bernstein.
The combination of purpose and editorship is an experiment of a kind which will be followed with interest by many people. There can be no question that there is a need for a representative organ which shall dispassionately mirror Jewish events throughout the world. Such an organ may well become an important instrumentality for molding public opinion.
It is to be hoped that Mr. Bernstein’s extended and varied journalistic experience will be an important factor in creating a truly important organ of Jewish public opinion in the English laguage.
Sincerely yours,
Bernard S. Deutsch.
Dear Mr. Landau:
I am delighted to learn that the Jewish Daily Bulletin will now appear in an enlared from as a daily newspeper and will be obtainable on the news-stands throughout Greater New York. The more accessible the Bulletin is to the Jewish people, the more helpful it will be in molding public opinion through the dissemination of accurate information concerning the stateu and the fortune of our people throughout the world.
In these last few trying years in Jewish history, I know of no agency that has rendered greater service than the Bulletin.
I particularly hail with delight the return of Mr. Bernstein to the field of Jewish journalism as editor of the enlarged Bulletin. He has been greatly missed. I am confident that under his editorial leadership, the Bulletin will make still further progress in its distinguished career.
Abba Hillel Silver.
Dear Mr. Landau:
Your decision to enlarge the daily issue of the Jewish Daily bulletin and the invitation extended by you to Herman Bernstein to become editor are steps highly commedable.
Through the enlarged edition you will be enabled better and more adequately to report and interpret Jewish life at home and abroad. A number of circumstances have combined to quicken the interests of the American Jew in the affairs or his people. This interest is genuine and should be encouraged. It should be nurtured on substance that is meaningful and constructive. An enlarged Jewish Daily Bulletin can be of tremendous assistance in disseminating significant information and in furthering thise projects and those activities engaging the interest and challenging the sense of responsibility of our people everywhere.
With Herman Bernstein, able editor and student of Jewish affairs, at the steering wheel, the Jewish Daily Bulletin should occupy a unique position in American Jewish journalism, rendering a distinct service to our people.
Greater strength to you.
Cordially yours,
Jacob Billikopf.
Dear Mr. Landau:
I learn with gratification that your paper will hereafter be enlarged, and that Mr. Herman Bernstein is to edit it. Under these conditions, with Jacob Landau and Herman Bernstein devoting their best energies to the paper, an important and very useful periodical will become still more important and useful.
Very truly,
Max J. Kohler.
Dear Mr. Landau:
As I have told you before, I believe that the Jewish Daily Bulletin is of value not only to the Jewish community, but to all Americans so long as it continues its policy of giving the uncolored, untouched-up news with regard to facts affecting Jews throughout the world. I hope that in its enlarged form it will continue this policy, and not embark on an editorial policy advocating one or more of the various conflicting viewpoints held by various groups of Jews in this country, Mr. Bernstein, with his great experience as a journalist and diplomat, will I am sure, bring to the Jewish Daily Bulletin seasoned judgment and journalistic ability that will be of great value.
Cordially yours,
Roger W. Straus.
Dear Mr. Landau:
I am in receipt of your announcement of the enlarged format of Jewish Daily Bulletin.
I have always found the publication in its old form a useful source of information and I am certain that under theeditorship of Mr. Herma Bernstein the new form of publication will be even more valuable,
With best wishes for your succes I am
Faithfully yours,
Solomon Lowenstein.
Dear Mr. Landau:
I am very glad to learn that you are planning to enlarge the Jewish Daily Bulletin under the ediotrship of Mr. Herman Bernstein. It is gratifying to see that you are makeing splendid progress in your publiishing enterprise.
The Jewish Daily Bulletin is most useful medium for keeping the Jewish reader informed. In its new form and under the editorship of the distinguished journalist, Mr. Bernstein, I am confident that you will extend your usefulness immeaturably.
Greetings to you and Mr. Bernstein, and my best wishes for the success of your project.
Very sincerely yours.
Morris D. Waldman,
Dear Mr. Landau:
I am glad to learn of the devel opment of the Jewish Daily Bulletin into a full fledged daily newspaper underthe editorship of that experienced and accomplished journalist Herman Bernstein. The Daily Bullentin in its present smaller form has long been a necessity to all those interested in Jewish affairs and has Unclear Text
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The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.