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Latest Palestine Bulletin

Warning was served on Arabs today that Jewish youth “also knows the use of arms and may soon have to use them.” Moshe Avigdor Amiel, chief rabbi of Tel Aviv and Jaffa, declared in an address at “Blue-White Day” at the Levant Fair in Tel Aviv: “Do not overtax our patience. Everything has its limits.” […]

June 3, 1936
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Warning was served on Arabs today that Jewish youth “also knows the use of arms and may soon have to use them.”

Moshe Avigdor Amiel, chief rabbi of Tel Aviv and Jaffa, declared in an address at “Blue-White Day” at the Levant Fair in Tel Aviv: “Do not overtax our patience. Everything has its limits.”

Meanwhile, Arab celebrations of the Prophet Mohammed’s birthday passed off quietly. Villagers entering Jaffa for prayers were searched for arms.

With Arab papers banned by the authorities, false and inciting rumors spread swiftly among the Arab populace. Newsboys, thrown out of employment, occupied themselves by pulling down signs of closed Jewish stores.

A bomb was thrown this afternoon at a Jewish bus near Mikveh Israel, injuring a Jew, David Leibowitz.

The exiling of alleged Communist agitators to Petach Tikvah and Herzliah aroused a storm of protest from the Jewish colonists. Several colonies said they did not wish to shelter Communists. In Rehoboth and Hedera Jews refused to rent rooms to them and they were compelled to sleep in the unsheltered police yard.

The authorities prohibited the Hebrew newspapers from reporting that religious Jews were irate because violent speeches by the Grand Mufti, Haj Amin el Husseini, were not prevented.

Death threats were mailed by the “Blackhand” organization to Arab merchants in Jaffa, warning them not to break the anti-Jewish strike which is now in its seventh week.

A Jerusalem court acquitted Isaac Chorush, 65, of a charge lodged by Arabs that he had attempted to kill a fourteen-year-old Arab child in the Old City.

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