
EST 1917

Kerensky Planned Jewish Corps to Fight Bolshevik Revolution, Archives Show

October 5, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

A Jewish corps in the Russian army consisting of volunteers was planned by Alexander Kerensky in the first days of the fight between the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks prior to the fall of the republican regime. This disclosure was made by the Soviet authorities here on the basis of documents found in the military archives.

The corps was planned as a part of the military force which was to be created to fight the Bolshevik revolution. Joseph Trumpeldor, the Palestine Jewish pioneer who died a heroic death in defense of Gallilee was to have been the chief of staff of the Jewish corps.

The first organization of Jewish university graduates to be formed in Montreal was started in the incorporation of the University Lodge of the Zionist Order of Habonim. The purpose of the society is to bring together the men who graduate from the university with a view to holding discussions of communal Jewish problems.

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