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Kareski Quoted by Angriff As Justifying Nuremberg Laws

December 24, 1935
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The cultural portions of the Nuremberg laws are justified by Georg Kareski, newly appointed president of the Reich Federation of Jewish Cultural Unions, in an interview prominently featured in today’s Der Angriff, an official Nazi party organ and personal mouthpiece of Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels.

The interview, headlined “The Nuremberg Laws Fulfill Ancient Zionist Demands,” are prefaced by the editorial remark that Jews aren’t as unanimous on the subject of Germany’s anti-Jewish laws as the “international press” would have it appear.

Describing Kareski as an internationally famous figure in the Zionist movement, the interview reports his replies to eight questions on the cultural effect of the Nuremberg laws.

“The Nuremberg laws,” Kareski is quoted as stating, “seem to me to be leading to the mutual respect between the two nations (the Jewish and German).”

Kareski is quoted as justifying the prohibition against intermarriage between Jews and “Aryans.” He indicated further that he expects the Jewish school system to be placed under the direct supervision of the Jewish Cultural Union of which he is the head.

Kareski, who was appointed to his post by Hans Hinkel, Reich Commissar for Non-Aryan Culture, is a leader of the State Zionist Party of Germany. His appointment was strenuously objected to by leaders of the Jewish community. He is accused in many quarters of being a paid agent of the Gestapo, an accusation which he denies.

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