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Justifies Palestine Holding Prisoners

“The Palestine Government has a right to detain every illegal immigrant and to keep him in prison as long as the time for his deportation requires,” the Colonial Minister declared today in the House of Commons, in connection with the Jewish immigrants now held in Acre jail for illegal entry. “They can, however, always be […]

February 27, 1935
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

“The Palestine Government has a right to detain every illegal immigrant and to keep him in prison as long as the time for his deportation requires,” the Colonial Minister declared today in the House of Commons, in connection with the Jewish immigrants now held in Acre jail for illegal entry.

“They can, however, always be released on bail,” the Minister added.

The Colonial Minister informed the House of Commons that twenty-five Jews are now imprisoned in Palestine for violating the immigration laws and that eighty-seven Jews are being held in prison after the expiration of their sentences. A number of them are being released on bail, the Minister stated.

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