
EST 1917

Jews Participate in Pan-europe Congress Sessions in Vienna

October 5, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Several Jewish European leaders took a prominent part in the first Pan-European Congress which opened here Sunday, when the movement to establish a United States of Europe, modelled after the United States of America, took definite shape.

The keynote of the Congress was sounded by Paul Loebe, president of the German Reichstag, and Francis de Laisi, a Frenchman, Count Richard Coudenhove Kalergi, an Austro-Japanese, who launched the movement in 1923, Rudolph Goldscheid and Bronislaw Huberman, who delivered the principal addresses. Many individual European Jews are furthering the Pan-European movement by giving it financial support.

Among the messages received from various countries were those from Luigi Luzzatti, Leon Blum, Georg Brandes, Georg Bernhard, Harry Warburg and Max Rheinhardt.

Count Coudenhove Kalergi, who is married to Ida Roland, a Jewess, when interviewed by the representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency here expressed his opinion that the Pan-European movement ought to find particular support on the part of the Jews who are scattered throughout the various countries in Europe. The creation of the United States of Europe would be beneficial to the Jews as it would eliminate racial hatred and economic rivalry, he said.

The idea advocated at the congress was the establishment of the United States of Europe, excepting England and Soviet Russia.

M. Briand, French Foreign Minister, regretting his inability to accept the invitation to attend, instructed the French Minister in Vienna, De Baumarchais, to officially represent France at the congress. France is the only great power thus officially represented.

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