
EST 1917

Jews Hail New Jewish State Under Arch of Titus, Erected to Mark Destruction of Judea

December 3, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Five thousand Jews gathered today in the shadow of the Arch of Titus–erected to mark the final destruction of Judea in 70 C.E., and the ##quidation of the remnants of Jewish statehood–at a demonstration called to cel##te the establishment of a Jewish State by the United Nations.After the meeting, which was addressed by Italian and refugee Jewish leaders, the crowd paraded under the Arch, in symbolical defiance of the Roman law which prohibited Jews from passing through the Arch. Prayers were recited for the 6,000,000 Jews who died in Europe at the hands of the Nazis.

A thanksgiving service was held this evening in the famous Rome Synagogue. chief Rabbi David Prato officiated at special religious services, which were attended by several thousand persons, including a representative of the Italian Government. the day’s celebration ended with a torchlight procession of children to the site of the ancient Roman ghetto.

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