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Jewish Units Will Be Set Up Within Palestine’s Women’s Auxiliary Service

Special Jewish units will be set up within the Palestine Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service, the formation of which was announced last week, it is reported here today. Under an agreement between the Jewish Agency and the British military authorities the recruitment of Jewish women for the Palestine W.A.T.S. will be based on the establishment of […]

January 4, 1942
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Special Jewish units will be set up within the Palestine Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service, the formation of which was announced last week, it is reported here today.

Under an agreement between the Jewish Agency and the British military authorities the recruitment of Jewish women for the Palestine W.A.T.S. will be based on the establishment of Jewish units within the organization, similar to the Jewish units within the Palestine forces serving with the British army.

Moshe Shertok, political chief of the Jewish Agency, today returned to Cairo, where he has spent much time recently conferring on political problems affecting Palestine.

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