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Jewish Education in Palestine to Be Transferred from Jewish Agency to Palestine Jewish Community

The transfer of the educational work of the Jewish Agency to the Jewish Community of Palestine was under discussion at a special meeting of the Vaad Leumi held here to-day under the chairmanship of Mr. M. M. Ussischkin. The Commission representing the entire Jewish Community appointed by the Assefath Hanivcharim to go into this question […]

June 1, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The transfer of the educational work of the Jewish Agency to the Jewish Community of Palestine was under discussion at a special meeting of the Vaad Leumi held here to-day under the chairmanship of Mr. M. M. Ussischkin.

The Commission representing the entire Jewish Community appointed by the Assefath Hanivcharim to go into this question submitted its recommendations, which are that the educational work should be taken over by the Vaad Leumi under certain conditions.

Dr. Arlossoroff, the head of the Palestine Jewish Agency Executive, speaking on behalf of the Jewish Agency, agreed to the conditions, with one alteration – that the Jewish Agency should undertake to contribute for the first three years a sum of £30,000 annually, not £40,000, as is recommended by the Commissions.

After an all-night sitting, the Vaad Leumi has accepted the Commission’s recommendations.

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