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Israeli Jets Hit Guerrilla Bases in Lebanon; Terrorists Throw Grenades in Nablus, Hebron

Israel Air Force jets blasted guerrilla bases on the western slopes of Mt. Hermon in Lebanon today and returned safely. The targets of the 30-minute attack were guerrilla concentrations in the so-called “Fatah Land.” Shooting from that area last night wounded an Israeli soldier manning a position on the slopes of Mt. Hermon at Djabel […]

August 12, 1970
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Israel Air Force jets blasted guerrilla bases on the western slopes of Mt. Hermon in Lebanon today and returned safely. The targets of the 30-minute attack were guerrilla concentrations in the so-called “Fatah Land.” Shooting from that area last night wounded an Israeli soldier manning a position on the slopes of Mt. Hermon at Djabel Rouss. An Israeli patrol in the Beisan Valley came under fire this morning. A mortar shell was fired at an Israeli position in the Golan Heights. There were no Israeli casualties in either incident. Two Arab guerrillas were killed and eight were captured this morning in a clash with an Israeli patrol in the Gaza Strip. There were no Israeli casualties. A military spokesman said the captives were members of the Popular Liberation Front. Another Arab guerrilla was killed last night in a shoot-out with an Israeli patrol in the Golan Heights. A Kalachnikof rifle and a bazooka were found on the body. The West Bank towns of Nablus and Hebron were the scenes of grenade incidents today. A grenade thrown at a bus in Nablus this morning injured several by-standers but not the occupants of the vehicle. A grenade thrown at a group of Israelis in Hebron in the afternoon hurt no one. Security forces are searching for the terrorists. A life sentence was imposed on a 21-year-old Arab saboteur by a military tribunal at Lydda yesterday. The prisoner. Haled El Attrash, was said to be the leader of a sabotage gang and was charged with delivering arms from Jordan to the Hebron area. He was captured in a clash near the Dead Sea in which four Arabs and one Israeli were killed.

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