
EST 1917

Israel Opposes Garreau’s Modified Plan for Internationalization of Jerusalem

February 2, 1950
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Israel will continue to oppose the U.N. plan for the internationalization of Jerusalem even as modified by Roger Garreau, president of the Trusteeship Council, well-informed sources indicated here today. However, they pointed out that the fact that such a plan was presented at the Trusteeship Council by its president proves that the original internationalization resolution, as adopted by the U.N. General Assembly, cannot be implemented.

The same sources said that Israel will probably appear before a subcommittee exploring the deadlock on the Jerusalem issue, should the Trusteeship Council create such a subcommittee. Israel circle disclosed that the Garreau plan presented to the Trusteeship Council generally coincides with a scheme which M. Garreau presented to the Israel delegation at Lake Success several weeks ago.

(In New York, the American Zionist Council issued a statement through its chairman, Louis Lipsky, predicting that the Jerusalem issue will have to be reconsidered at a special session of the United Nations General Assembly. “The offorts of M. Garreau to find a solution for the Jerusalem problem are deserving of commendation, but he is laboring under the mistaken notion that by reducing the area of internationalization, he will be able to rid the scheme of its unworkability,” the statement said. “The impractionability of the plan increases with the diminution of the area.”)

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