
EST 1917

Hull Asks End of Laguardia-hitler Feud; Mayor Stands Firm

March 19, 1937
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The status quo was preserved in the La-Guardia-Hitler controversy today with one more German protest, one more State Department apology and another affirmation by the New York Mayor of his attack on the Nazi Chancellor.

Secretary Cordell Hull, after German Ambassador Luther had protested Mayor LaGuardia’s characterization of Hitler as not “satisfaktionsfaehig” and warned that relations between Germany and the United States were being strained, expressed the hope that the controversy would end.

Repeating his previous expression of regrets, Mr. Hull said: “I am personally hopeful that all who are participating in the present controversy, which is marked by bitter and vituperative utterances in this country and in Germany, may soon reach the conclusion that it would be to the best interests of both countries for them to find other subjects which can be discussed more temperately.”

Mayor LaGuardia commented: “Again I am pleased that Hitler was so quick to recognize himself.”

The Nazi press, meanwhile, continued its campaign against the United States. The Berlin Nachtausgabe warned: “Relations between Germany and the United States will suffer unless Washington and every state in the union energetically combats Jewish agitation against Germany.”

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