
EST 1917

Housing Cooperative in N.Y. Suburb Surrenders on Anti-jewish Bias

November 15, 1962
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith hailed with satisfaction today the conciliation achieved by the New York State Commission for Human Rights of a complaint filed by Attorney General Louis J. Lefkowitz against Northgate Apartments, Inc., a housing cooperative in the suburb of Bronxville. Mr. Lefkowitz charged that Northgate Apartments discriminated against Jews, in the sale of cooperative apartments, basing his complaint on affidavits submitted to his office by the Anti-Defamation League early this year on behalf of two individuals.

As a result of the Commission’s efforts, following the step taken by Attorney General Lefkowitz, Northgate Apartments, Inc., has agreed to admit Jews as tenant-stockholders, and will alter its bylaws in the next month to permit transfer of shares “without regard to race, color or national origin. “

The incorporated Village of Bronxville has been for many years under attack for religious bias in the renting and sale of residential accommodations. Benjamin R. Epstein, national director of the League, pointed out that his organization had testified in 1959 before the U. S. Civil Rights Commission that Bronxville “has produced the anomaly of a Christian ghetto in an area of the country where there is a normal intermingling of Christian and Jewish populations. ” The League testified that “Bronxville remains a striking example of irrational prejudice, a Judenrein pre serve in the heart of an area in which Jews and Christians live together amicably. “

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