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Great Funeral Given to Dr. Aaron Mazia

January 7, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Vaad Leumi, the Vaad Hair, the Jewish Medical Society, the Hebrew Language Academy, the Authors’ Association, the Jerusalem lodge of the B’nai B’rith, the Bikur Holim Hospital, the Yeshurun Synagogue, the Jewish Archeological Society, the Hadassah and the Teachers’ Organization were among the groups that participated in the funeral of Aaron Mazia, Jewish physician, planter and scholar, who died here suddenly Friday at midnight.

Dr. Mazia, who was well past 70, settled in Jerusalem 50 years ago. He was mentioned in Theodor Herzl’s diaries and for many years was engaged on a dictionary of Hebrew medical terms. With Chaim Bialik, the poet, and others, he was a member of the Hebrew Language Academy and a sometime owner of a successful orange grove in Judea.

In view of the prominence of the deceased the Rabbis granted a special dispensation for a public day-time funeral instead of the customary Saturday night burial. The procession formed at 11 yesterday morning and continued, with the police keeping order, until after 3 P. M.

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