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Gerer Rebbe in Palestine: Received at Haifa by Hassidim from All Parts of Palestine

The Gerer Rebbe, accompanied by his wife and three sons, his brother Rabbi Alter and his son-in-law, Deputy Itche Meir Lewin, the President of the Polish Agudath Israel, arrived this afternoon at Haifa. Hassidim from all parts of Palestine met him at the Palestine-Syrian frontier with six cars to accommodate the Rabbi and his entourage. […]

January 30, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Gerer Rebbe, accompanied by his wife and three sons, his brother Rabbi Alter and his son-in-law, Deputy Itche Meir Lewin, the President of the Polish Agudath Israel, arrived this afternoon at Haifa. Hassidim from all parts of Palestine met him at the Palestine-Syrian frontier with six cars to accommodate the Rabbi and his entourage.

The Rabbi is spending the Sabbath in Haifa and is expected to arrive in Jerusalem on Sunday.

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