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General Ludendorff Breaks with Hitler: Dinounces Him As Betrayer of German People and Associate of F

May 2, 1931
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

General Erich von Ludendorff, the famous German Commander in the Great War, who was associated with Hitler in their joint putsch in Munich in 1923, has now declared war on his old colleague, in consequence of a call which Hitler has issued to his followers to fight Ludendorff’s Tannenburg Bund.

Hitler is a dangerous betrayer of the German people and an associate of the Freemasons, General Ludendorff writes.

When Ludendorff, Hitler, and their associates in the Munich Putsch in 1923 stood their trial in February 1924, General Ludendorff made a long speech to the court declaring himself a violent antisemite and proceeding to make a fierce attack also upon the Catholics, the Socialists and the French. During the war, he said, I had the opportunity of studying the Jewish question, which is primarily a race question. A Jew cannot understand the German ideal and the German soul. The Jew are demoralising the German people. Jewish influence is injurious to the country and must be destroyed.

General Ludendorff attributed his defeat in the war to the intervention of Jewry with its world-wide ramifications mobilised against Germany, supporting his allegations by quoting from the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. The Catholics were protecting the Jews, he said, and the Catholic hierarchy was in league with the Jews and the Freemasons. We want to have a Germany racially purely Germanic, free from Jewish-Marxist-Catholic domination.

Ludendorff has broken before with another of his old comrades, Field-Marshal Hindenburg, the President of the German Republic, because when he sent Hindenburg a telegram at the end of 1928, urging him to protect him against the Jews and Freemasons who were plotting to assassinate him, the President had not even replied to his telegram.

At one time General Ludendorff expressed great admiration for Mr. Henry Ford, because of the autisemitic propaganda he was conducting in the “Dearborn Independent” and by means of his book “The International Jew”, but when Mr. Henry Ford made his public apology to the Jews in 1927, he denounced him and alleged that he had turned Jew and had joined the Palestine Lodge of the Freemasons.

Last August, General Ludendorff also broke with his wife, who has been intimately associated with him in his antisemitic propaganda, and brought divorce proceedings against her. It was suggested at the time that he had taken this course because he had been persuaded of the folly of the campaign against the Jews, Catholics and Freemasons, into which she had led him, and because of which he is no longer taken seriously as a politician, and it was said that the divorce might be followed by a recantation.

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