
EST 1917

Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel Consulate

November 5, 1963
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Five Jews were arrested early this morning by police who charged that they caught the persons painting swastikas on the front of the Israeli Consulate-General building at 11 East 70th Street. The building also houses the Israel mission to the United Nations.

Three of the five were named by police as Miklos Weinstock, 22; David Falkowitz, 17; and Shalom Grohman, 17. The names of the two others were withheld, in accordance with police regulations, because they are juveniles under 16. All five gave their addresses as being in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, an area inhabited by many ultra-zealous religious Jews. All were arraigned before magistrates today on charges of malicious mischief, and paroled for further hearings November 15.

According to the police, two patrolmen in a police car caught the five painting the swastikas, using a stencil and a spray gun. The five carried leaflets denouncing the Israel Government as “a Nazi state,” alleging that Israeli police in Jerusalem conducted a “pogrom” against religious elements objecting to motor traffic in Jerusalem on the Sabbath. The leaflets called for a protest demonstration to be held in front of the Israeli offices this afternoon.

Similar leaflets were passed out along East Broadway yesterday by Jewish youths wearing earlocks and costumed in the traditional garb of the ultra-religions. Several bearded men, according to eyewitnesses, were seated in an automobile nearby, directing the youths.

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