
EST 1917

Famed Rabbi Dies at Gate of Holy Land

May 10, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

One of the most pathetic incidents in the history of Zionism closed yesterday with the death, at the Jewish Hospital here, of Rabbi Israel Jacob Yoffey, senior rabbi of the Manchester, England, Central Synagogue.

All his life Rabbi Yoffey was devoted to the Zionist ideal and yearned to go to Palestine. In 1918 he founded the Mizrachi group of the Zionist movement of Great Britain. He convened the first Zionist conference and wrote a number of books on Zionism.

For thirty-seven years Rabbi Yoffey toiled at Manchester, to which city he came in 1897, for the Jewish cause. Finally the opportunity to realize his life-long dream to visit Palestine and see with his own eyes the process of its new rapid rise presented itself and he set out.

Rabbi Yoffey was to lecture there on Jewish education and was to make a tour of inspection of the schools supported by the Mizrachi.

The deceased was famous in the rabbinical world for his great learning. His published works include “Knesseth Israel,” “Hadrath Israel,” “Techiath Israel,” and “Shofar Israel.”

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