
EST 1917

Eshkol Expects Russia to Permit Jews to Join Families in Israel

January 10, 1964
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The expectation that the Soviet Union would permit many Soviet Jews to emigrate to Israel for purposes of reunification with their families in this country was voiced here tonight by Prime Minister Levi Eshkol.

The Premier referred to Russian Jewry when be addressed a dinner given by the Jerusalem Labor Council in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell, of Los Angeles, who received tributes for their philanthropies.

“We may expect to see the day,” said Mr. Eshkol, “when the Soviet Union will recognize the striving of the Jewish people for national existence in its own country, and enable thousands–tens of thousands–to join families and friends here.”

The Mitchells were honored specifically for contributing the Edward and Anna Mitchell Auditorium, which will be opened tomorrow at the brad quarters here of Histadrut, the Israel Federation of Labor. They have also contributed funds for the construction of a school building in Jerusalem for working youth. Prior to the dinner, they were received by President Zalman Shazar and Minister of Finance Sapir.

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