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Einstein Theory Passes Final Test with Acceptance by British Astronomical Society

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) The theory of relativity of Professor Albert Einstein, which started a new era in the science of physics and shook the foundation of the principles of Newton, passed its final test today when it was accepted by the British Royal Astronomical Society. The gold medal, the highest distinction of the society, was […]

February 15, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The theory of relativity of Professor Albert Einstein, which started a new era in the science of physics and shook the foundation of the principles of Newton, passed its final test today when it was accepted by the British Royal Astronomical Society.

The gold medal, the highest distinction of the society, was awarded to Professor Einstein by J. H. Jeans, the president of the society, who despite the inability of Professor Einstein to be present, delivered an address in praise of the noted Jewish scientist.

The conferring of the medal is an indication of the acceptance of the theory by the Society, the president declared. He further stated that the address delivered by him, although Professor Einstein was absent, was intended to bestow upon him the greatest honor to which an astronomer can aspire.

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