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Draft of Statute for Jerusalem Published; Will Be Discussed by Trusteeship Council

February 10, 1948
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A draft statute for the international regime of the city of Jerusalem, which will be submitted to the U.N. Trusteeship Council when it reconvenes on Wednesday, February 18, was made public here today.

The internationalized city will be a “corpus separatum” under the administration of the United Nations acting through the Trusteeship Council and the Governor, to be appointed by the Council. Some of the main provisions of the 29-page draft statute are:

1. The United Nations would guarantee the territorial integrity of the city and the maintenance of the special international regime. In case of aggression, or ? threat of aggression, “or any other attempt to alter by force” the special regime, the Security Council would be informed.

2. The city itself would be demilitarized, with no “para-military” formations, exercises or activities permitted within its borders. However, a police force would be organized–of such size as the Governor deemed necessary–” to assist in the maintenance of internal law and order, and especially for the protection throughout the city of the Holy Places, religious buildings and sites.” This special police force would be selected as far as possible without regard to nationality, except that no citizen of Jerusalem or of the Arab or the Jewish state would be eligible.

3. The Governor would be appointed for a three-year term, which could be extended if necessary, and would be eligible for re-appointment. No resident of the city, or the Arab or the Jewish state would be eligible. He would have supreme executive authority, subject only to the instructions of the Trusteeship Council.

Besides general powers, the statute provides that “if, in the opinion of the Governor, the administration of the city is being seriously obstructed or prevented by the non-cooperation or interference of one or more sections of the population, the Governor may take such measures and enact by order such legislation as he may deem necessary to restore the effective functioning of the administration.” The Governor also has powers in connection with the maintenance and protection of Holy Places elsewhere in Palestine.


The Legislative Council would consist of a single chamber, composed of citizens of the city over 25 years of age. Citizens, by definition of the statue, would not include any persons who chose citizenship in either the Arab or Jewish state. Several alternative proposals f or the composition of the Legislative Council are included in the draft statute, for the decision of the Trusteeship Council. One would have a 40-member legislature, with 18 elected separately by the Arabs in the ?y, 18 by the Jews, and 4 by the other residents. Another plan would have the same opposition, but the vote would not be separate. A third plan would have a 30-member legislature with 10 Arabs, 10 Jews and 10 Christians.

The Legislative Council would have a four-year term, which could be pro?ged by the Governor, if necessary. A simple majority of the members would form ?quorum, and decisions would be taken by a simple majority of those present and ?ging. The city would have an independent judicial system, including a supreme ?rt of three to five judges, appointed by the Trusteeship Council. Subject to “the requirements of public order, security and public health, ?d economic welfare,” residents and citizens of the Arab state and the Jewish state would have free access to the city, as would foreign pilgrims and visitors. Immigration would be controlled by the Governor under instructions of the Trusteeship Council.

Arabic and Hebrew would be the official languages of the city, with English ?d French recognized as additional working languages.

An “adequate” system of primary and secondary education would be maintained ?on an equitable basis” for the Arab and Jewish community in their respective languages and in accordance with their respective cultural traditions.

The city would be included within the Economic Union of Palestine, but would operate its own central bank, control its own fiscal and credit policy, and conduct international financial operations. Existing municipalities, and any that might be created in the future, would have wide powers of local autonomy.


A spokesman for the U.H. Implementation Commission today denied rumors that there was a split among the five members of the body on its recommendation that an international force be organized and dispatched to Palestine to enforce the partition decision. He declared that there was complete unanimity in the Commission on This point.

The commission spent the entire day working on its special report on the Palestine security situation except that it heard one report from Danish representative Per Federspiel who reported on his negotiations with the British on the Commission’s assumption of administrative and fiscal machinery in Palestine after the Mandate is terminated.

The Commission also decided to ask the Palestine Government to postpone action on bids for the Aquir airfield, near Jerusalem, which the government has advertised for sale. The Commission may negotiate for its purchase for its own use because the field has buildings capable of housing 1,500 persons.

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