
EST 1917

Dr. Leon Reich, Noted Polish Jewish Leader, Dead at Fifty-one

December 3, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

At the funeral today of Dr. Leon Reich, notable leader of Polish Jewry and one of the pioneer Zionists of Poland, government officials, Jewish leaders and representatives of the many Jewish organizations with which he was affiliated and in whose service he dedicated most of his life paid a last tribute to one of the most popular members of the Polish Sejm.

Deputy Reich, who was 5I, died after an unsuccessful operation for appendicitis had been performed.

From all parts of Poland have come expressions of regret at the passing of the great Jewish leader. While Deputy Greenbaum represented the uncompromising wing of Polish Jewry, Dr. Reich was a realist, and it was through his efforts that the Polish-Jewish agreement was reached some years ago. During the Paris Peace Conference Dr. Reich was a member of a committee of Jewish delegations and helped in the drafting of the minorities treaty.

The Zionist Executive for Eastern Galicia convoked a session of mourning. The Mizrachi, the Kehillah and the Hitachdut participated. Mr. Barth, a member of the World Zionist Executive has joined the funeral committee. On behalf of the Kehillah a grave of honor has been provided. Hundreds of telegrams of condolence have arrived from every part of the country and from abroad. The Wojewoda, the district chief, and the various parliamentary clubs have sent condolences to the Zionist Executive.

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