
EST 1917

Dr. Bernard Hausner Arrives on Mission Here for Poland

March 15, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Dr. Bernard Hausner, councillor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw, arrived yesterday with his wife on the S.S. Pulaski of the Gdynia America Line. His mission is to improve trade relations between the United States and Poland. This is Dr. Hausner’s first visit to the United States.

For about six years, Dr. Hausner was chief Polish Consul for Palestine and neighboring countries. In January, 1933, he returned to Poland where he joined the Foreign Office staff.

Dr. Hausner was greeted at Quarantine by his son-in-law, Dr. Josef Fisch, attache of the Polish Consulate in New York. At the pier, delegations representing the Mizrachi, orthodox Zionist organization, and the Federation of Polish Jews of America greeted Dr. Hausner in the name of their organizations.

The Polish Jewish diplomat, refused to comment on political affairs, but declared that Palestine is prosperous, had a balanced budget and that the majority of the Jewish immigrants to the Holy Land came from Poland.

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