
EST 1917

Dr. Arnold Netter Dies at 81; President of Alliance Israelite

March 3, 1936
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Dr. Arnold Netter, noted physician and newly elected president of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, died suddenly yesterday while addressing a meeting of the French Medical Association. He was eighty-one years old.

On Feb. 20 he was elected president of the international Jewish educational and philanthropic organization to succeed Professor Sylvain Levy, who died last Oct. 31. Previously, he had served for thirty-one years as vice-president. His uncle, Charles Netter, was one of the six persons who founded the Alliance in 1860.

Distinguished as a physician as well as a Jewish leader, Dr. Netter was a member of the Academy of Medicine since 1904 and of the French Health Council since 1898. In recognition of his service to medicine, he was named Honorary Physician of French Hospitals. Dr. Netter was also a commander of the Legion of Honor.

He had formerly been a Professor of Medicine at the University of Paris and previous to that at the University of Strassburg. It was in Strassburg, Alsace-Lorraine, that he was born in 1855.

Dr. Netter was known for his contributions to medical science, notably in the field of children’s diseases. He wrote a number of works on cerebrospinal meningitis, encephalitis and poliomyelitis.

Among his works are: “The Plague and its Microbe” , “Cerebrospinal Meningitis” , “Serotherapy of Poliomyelitis” and “Lethargic Encephalitis.”

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