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Disorders Laid to Palestine’s Pro-arab Policy

Charges that the anti-Jewish outbreaks in Palestine were the natural consequence of the Palestine Government’s policy were voiced at a mass meeting tonight of the New Zionist Organization by Vladimir Jabotinsky, president, and Colonel John Henry Patterson, Irish commander of the Jewish Legion which helped in the conquest of Palestine. The pro-Arab policy of the […]

April 29, 1936
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Charges that the anti-Jewish outbreaks in Palestine were the natural consequence of the Palestine Government’s policy were voiced at a mass meeting tonight of the New Zionist Organization by Vladimir Jabotinsky, president, and Colonel John Henry Patterson, Irish commander of the Jewish Legion which helped in the conquest of Palestine.

The pro-Arab policy of the Government, Mr. Jabotinsky stated, led to the belief that the progress of Jewish rebuilding in the Holy Land would be permitted only to the extent that the Arabs allowed.

Col. Patterson, asserting that the Government’s pro-Arab policy undoubtedly led to the excesses, declared that the only solution was to remove Palestine from control of the Colonial Office.

The meeting adopted a resolution that Jewish self-defense be permitted in Palestine under control of the Government and that a Jewish regiment be reestablished as a permanent section of the imperial troops.

The resolution also demanded liquidation of the present outbreaks by use of all necessary measures; proclamation in the clearest terms that the paramount object of the Palestine mandate is the Jewish national home; expulsion of illegal Arab immigrants and that High Commissioner Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope be made to accept the personal consequences for the policy which it declared was endangering security in Palestine.

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