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Czech Jewish Leaders See Seizure of Jewish Owned Factory As Test Case of New Laws

The seizure last week by the Czechoslovak Government of a factory recently restored to Emil Baer, a Czech Jew, following a strike by workers at his plant who charged him with having “Germanized” Czech industry, is being fought by the Federation of Jewish Community Councils as a test case, it was learned here today. Leaders […]


The seizure last week by the Czechoslovak Government of a factory recently restored to Emil Baer, a Czech Jew, following a strike by workers at his plant who charged him with having “Germanized” Czech industry, is being fought by the Federation of Jewish Community Councils as a test case, it was learned here today.

Leaders of the Federation state that the disposition of this case will determine the validity of the new constitution and national laws. They assert that it will test whether the law is independent of organized pressure or whether such pressure can set aside civil rights.

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