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Congress and the Palestine Immigration Offices

The Revisionist fraction of the Actions Committee (General Council) of the Zionist Organisation has addressed letters to Mr. Leo Motzkin, the President of the Actions Committee, and to the Zionist Executive, complaining that the Congress resolution with regard to the Palestine immigration offices adopted at the last Congress in August, which was to have been […]

June 2, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Revisionist fraction of the Actions Committee (General Council) of the Zionist Organisation has addressed letters to Mr. Leo Motzkin, the President of the Actions Committee, and to the Zionist Executive, complaining that the Congress resolution with regard to the Palestine immigration offices adopted at the last Congress in August, which was to have been carried out in January, has not yet been put into effect.

The decision of the Congress was to carry through the re-organisation of the Palestine offices within six months, the letter to Mr. Motzkin says. In view of the new immigration certificates, this question has now become topical. In submitting our formal protest against the attitude of the Zionist Executive in not acting according to the wish of the Congress, we ask you to inform us whether and when the Congress decision relating to the re-organisation of the Palestine offices will be carried through. You write in your last letter that you would ask the Zionist Executive what steps it had taken to realise this Congress decision. We hope that you will be able to settle this matter during your present stay in Palestine.

In the letter to the Executive the Revisionist fraction writes that the Seventeenth Congress definitely decided that the re-organisation of the Palestine offices was to be carried through at latest within six months. The Zionist Executive, it says, is dragging the matter by bureaucratic methods. The decision was adopted by Congress against the obdurate opposition of the groups constituting the majority of the present Executive, it adds, which makes it clear, it claims, why the matter is being dragged.

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