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Canada is Assured on Reich Consul’s Nazi Activities

March 4, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Canadian government has received assurance that the German Consul General in Montreal, Dr. Ludwig Kempf, will no longer disseminate anti-Jewish propaganda and will therefore not ask for his recall, Hugh Guthrie, Canadian Minister of Justice, declared yesterday in Parliament answering an interpellation made by S. W. Jacobs, Jewish member of Parliament. The Jewish legislator openly accused Dr. Kempf of acting as a Nazi agent in Canada.

Minister Guthrie stated that according to information received by the Canadian government, Dr. Kempf used the German Consulate to distribute a pamphlet called “Germany’s Fight for Western Civilization” which was sent to 300 prominent Canadian business men, “but we have received assurances that this will not be repeated,” he declared.

He added that he did not believe that Dr. Kempf deserved to be recalled, although the pamphlet distributed contained “material which is objectionable to accepted opinions in Canada.”

On February 5, New York customs authorities seized 300 pounds of literature on the North German Lloyd freighter Este. All the material seized was characterized as anti – Jewish and anti – Catholic. Among the pamphlets seized were copies of “Germany’s Fight for Western Civilization.” The same pamphlet, according to reports from Haifa, Palestine is being distributed there by the crews of German ships loading oranges for export to Germany.

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