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Britain Limits Palestine’s War Contribution to Economic Aid

The British Government has decided that Palestine’s best contribution to the war effort would be utilization of existing resources to provide general stores and equipment for the Allied force in the Middle East, Under secretary of War Sir Edward Grigg told Commons today in reply to a question by Geoffrey Mander, Liberal. (Zionist leaders have […]

June 6, 1940
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The British Government has decided that Palestine’s best contribution to the war effort would be utilization of existing resources to provide general stores and equipment for the Allied force in the Middle East, Under secretary of War Sir Edward Grigg told Commons today in reply to a question by Geoffrey Mander, Liberal.

(Zionist leaders have been seeking creation of Palestine Jewish military unit as part of the Allied forces.)

Grigg thanked the Palestine Corporation for its “valuable assistance” in surveying the Holy Land’s economic and industrial resources.

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