
EST 1917

Bir Zeit University Faculty Member Sentenced by Nablus Military Court

January 12, 1987
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A faculty member of Bir Zeit University in the West Bank was sentenced to 39 days’ imprisonment and given a six-month suspended sentence by a Nablus military court Sunday for failure to cooperate with police during the December 4 sit-down strike at the university and the rioting which followed.

The sentence, handed down by the military judge, Col. Zeev Lison, corresponded to the time the defendant, Saleh Abdul Jawad, was held in detention pending trial. Lison rejected a prosecution demand that Jawad, a 34-year-old senior lecturer in history, serve two months in jail.

The defendant had pleaded guilty to failure to obey army orders to disperse the strikers and refusing to show his identity card to a policeman. Charges of inciting to riot were dropped.

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