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Bernard A. Rosenblatt Leaves for Palestine

Judge Bernard A. Rosenblatt, member of the Finance and Economic Council of the Zionist Organization, sailed for Palestine on the steamer Olympic on Friday. Judge Rosenblatt will join the American businessmen’s delegation which he organized to inquire into the investment possibilities in orange groves in Palestine. Before Judge Rosenblatt’s departure, Dr. Weizmann addressed a letter […]

February 14, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Judge Bernard A. Rosenblatt, member of the Finance and Economic Council of the Zionist Organization, sailed for Palestine on the steamer Olympic on Friday.

Judge Rosenblatt will join the American businessmen’s delegation which he organized to inquire into the investment possibilities in orange groves in Palestine. Before Judge Rosenblatt’s departure, Dr. Weizmann addressed a letter to him asking him to take up the possibilities of loans on a business basis to the Jewish municipalities.

The businessmen’s delegation includes Israel Matz, Solomon Ulmer, Benjamin Lifschutz. Max Shoolman of Boston heads the delegation.

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