
EST 1917

Arab Mayor of Hebron Submits Petition to Transjordan Ruler Asking “anschluss”

April 22, 1946
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Arab mayor of Hebron has forwarded to Emir Abdullah, ruler of Transjordan, a petition, which is said to contain the signatures of 5,000 citizens of the city, demanding political union with Transjordan, it was reported here today.

The Palestine Arab Higher Committee is meeting here today to take a stand on the Government’s granting permission to the 1,040 Jewish refugees, now detained at La Spezia, Italy, to enter Palestine. Tel Aviv Jews have already prepared 100 layettes for the expectant mothers aboard the “Fede,” at La Spezia.

It was announced today that the Sephardic Jews and the Zionist Revisionists, who have hitherto refused to participate in the Jewish National Council, have decided to join. Their decision is a result of a rapprochement arrived at during the hunger strike, in which Sephardic and Revisionist leaders joined.

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