Statements by the Governors
Vice-President Charles Curtis, Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson, and Bishop William T. Manning add their protests against the atrocities perpetrated by Arabs on the Jews in Palestine, and sympathy for the Jewish people and Jewish endeavors to establish a national Homeland, to the scores of responses to the inquiry conducted by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
Governors of states, Senators, members of the House of Representatives, continue, in the following messages, to indicate support of the stand taken by President Hoover their protest against the massacres of Jews, and their sympathetic wish that a strengthened Jewish National Home may emerge from the present disaster.
Vice-President Charles Curtis-“The Jews of Palestine have my sincere sympathy. It is my earnest hope that order may be speedily restored and the Jews fully protected in all their rights I hope the good work of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency may be amply rewarded. I know the officials of our government will do everything possible to protect American citizens in Palestine.”
United States Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson, in response to a telegraphic inquiry from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, made the following statement on the Palestine events:
“I have been deeply moved by the tragic events which have taken place in Palestine, and I profoundly sympathize with the sufferers and especially with the families of the American citizens who have lost their lives. I am gratified to note that order is being rapidly and completely restored in Palestine as a result of the prompt and effective measures taken by the British authorities. I have no doubt that these authorities will make a thorough and impartial investigation with a view to ascertaining all the facts pertinent to the situation.”
Bishop William T. Manning-“In common with all Americans I sympathize most profoundly with the Jewish people in Palestine in their recent tragic experience. These savage and brutal attacks upon them have shocked civilized people everywhere.
“I hope that the British government now has the situation in hand and will take adequate measures to prevent any recurrence of these outrages and that generous funds will be sent especially by Americans to relieve the present suffering and enable the Jewish people to carry forward more strongly than ever their work of rehabilitation and reconstruction in the Holy Land.
“I regret these outrages in Palestine not only against the Jews of the world but also as a menace to civilized government. I deeply sympathize with my fellow citizens of the Hebrew faith in America, in the distress of their coreligionists in Palestine, and in their energetic efforts for the relief of the suffering. I am confident that Great Britain will live up to the spirit and letter of the mandate of Palestine and the Balfour Declaration. The entire Christian world looks forward to a speedy cessation of these atrocities. I hope that a re-occurrence of the recent outbreak such as has shocked the entire civilized world can be prevented.”
Governor Louis L. Emmerson (Illinois), Springfield, Ill.-“Today’s news dispatches announcing that the British government is again in control of the racial situation in Palestine will be welcomed throughout the entire world Word, of the massacre of Jewish people by Arabs has shocked America. I am sure that all the liberty loving people of our country look forward to the day when the establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine will provide a strong government capable of preventing any such occurrences as those of the past few days.
“In any effort toward this goal you have my loyal support and I am sure you will receive the whole hearted cooperation of the people of Illinois.”
Governor Clyde M. Rood (Kansas), Topeka, Kan.-“I endorse whatever President Hoover says about international relations and the situation in the foreign countries and will support him in whatever he undertakes to do. He knows all about it and I don’t know anything about it except what I read in the public press and under these circumstances I follow the lead and support the responsible official who knows what he is doing.”
Governor Huey P. Long (Louisiana), Baton Rouge, La.-“I deeply regret the disastrous condition which now prevails in the Holy Land and if there were anything which I could morally or publicly do which would assist in restoring harmony in that country I would be only too glad to lend every effort toward accomplishing it. I am in hearty sympathy with the Jewish population of the Holy Land and the outrages against them are a shame against human civilization. Every influence should be exerted by this country to stamp out such excesses and outrages against the Jews.”
Governor Theodore Christianson (Minnesota), St. Paul, Minn.-“The moral sense of the world has been shocked by the events of the last two weeks. The government of the United States should insist upon such prompt action as it necessary to protect the rights of American citizens in Palestine. It should facilitate in every way the distribution of funds now being raised to meet the emergency.”
Governor Charles W. Tobey (New Hampshire), Concord, N. H.-“Deeply regretting the tragic situation in Palestine I feel that public sentiment in New Hampshire and in the nation will support any possible action on the part of our government to prevent further loss of lives and destruction of property of Jewish residents.”
Governor Walter J. Kohler (Wisconsin), Madison, Wis.-“In common with all good citizens I deeply deplore the present conflict in Palestine and the hazard and suffering to which it exposes large numbers of Jewish people including some who are citizens of the United States. I hope that the situation will be promptly brought under control with the restoration of tranquility and safety.”
Governor Frank C. Emerson (Wyoming), Cheyenne, Wyo.- (from G. S. Powell, Secretary to the Governor.) “I know I am warranted in expressing the Governor’s serious concern with regard to the Palestine situation, his belief in the destiny of a Jewish National Home movement and his hope that Great Britain will promptly carry out the measures that will establish effective protection of life and property.”
Senator Thomas J. Walsh (Montana), Helena, Mont.-“The horrible conflict now in progress in Palestine is deplorable. I am, however, without any reliable information as to where the responsibility rests for this shock- (Continued on Page 6)
Senator Morris Sheppard (Texas ), Tekarkana, Tex.-“I feel the deepest grief on account of the outrages perpetrated upon the Hebrew people in Palestine. The Assembly of the League of Nations is now in session, and inasmuch as the Mandate is held, partly at least by the authority of the League, I am sure that the Assembly at its present session will take every step for the proper handling of the situation. In the meantime, I stand ready to do everything within my power to aid the Jewish Homeland.”
Congressman Arthur M. Free (California), San Jose, Cal. -“The whole civilized world indignantly regrets the outrages perpetrated on the Jewish population in Palestine. We of America are confidently relying on Great Britain, as the world’s agent, to terminate the present atrocities and prevent further similar occurrences.
“We must acknowledge that Britain’s position is not an easy one, for religious fanaticism is ever difficult to cope with. However, the British are eminently qualified for dealing with such a situation and for carrying on the guardianship of Palestine, because of their wide experience in such matters. Let it be hoped that this tragedy may impress the world with the magnificence of the vision of a homeland for that race which has contributed so many of the world’s greatest thinkers and so much of its civilization.”
Congresswoman Ruth Bryan Owen (Florida), Miami, Fla. -“As I spent three years in Egypt and Palestine serving as a nurse in the campaign which captured Palestine from the Turks during the World War, I felt an especial interest in the subsequent return of great numbers of the Jewish people to the land which was the cradle of their race’s glorious history. This colonization of Palestine by the Jewish people, one of the significant events of the century, was viewed with sympathetic interest by people of all nations and creeds. Therefore the recent tragedies enacted there have awakened universal horror and indignation. I earnestly hope means will be found to speedily ensure safety and a restoration of peace.”
Congressman A. J. Sabath (Illinois), Chicago, Ill. -“Great Britain accepting the mandate, assumed and pledged herself to carry out the principle which America contended for, namely, protection and equal rights for the minorities. Consequently America should be the very first to demand and insist that all these obligations should be complied with. The mere expressing of regrets on the part of the President is not enough.
“I have written a long letter and wired the following: “To His Excellency President Herbert Hoover: Not only the Jewish people, but all the people of America greatly urge that you use your good offices to bring about the cessation of the deplorable murdering of peace-loving Jewish people in Palestine.’ And also to Secretary Stimson, and I have received the following:
“With reference to your telegram on August 28th appropriate steps for the protection of American lives and property have already been taken both through the Consulate General at Jerusalem and the Embassy at London. The latest information indicates a marked progress in the restoration of order as a result of the arrival of a considerable body of British troops.’
“Whereupon I have again wired calling attention that a strong and insistent demand be made upon the country assuming the mandate to fulfill its duty in the protection of the lives and property of our people. The President should not only express the concern about the safety of American citizens but of the protection of all peoples, spreading western civilization and bringing about the rehabilftation of the Holy Land.”
Congressman James W. Dunbar (Indiana), New Albany, Ind. -“I am in favor of the United States protecting the Jews in Jerusalem against the on slaught of the Arabs, notwithstanding it is just such things as this which lead to world wars, against which the pacifists of America are so much opposed.”
Congressman Linwood L. Clark (Maryland), Baltimore, Md. -“The news of the tragic occurrences in Palestine has shocked me as it has horrified all civilized mankind. Especially regrettable has been the loss of American lives and property. I have confidence that Great Britain will not stultify herself by failing to carry out the mandate. Her obligation is not only to the Jewish people but to all the nations of the world who have ratified the Balfour Declaration and entrusted England with the Palestine mandate. Certainly, however, the local officials in Palestine cannot escape the responsibility for the situation. I fully believe that the Jews of America will have the moral support of the entire country in demanding from the British government a vigorous investigation of the outrages and the punishment of those guilty and second a more active cooperation on her part in helping to realize the hopes and aspirations of the Jewish people in Palestine. I stand ready to assist in anything I can consistently do as an official of the United States government.”
Congressman Clarence Cannon (Missouri), Elsberry, Mo. -“I deplore the reversion to medieval barbarism in Palestine. The protection of American citizens and property demands prompt and effective action. The United States government should take immediate steps to cooperate with the other civilized Powers in the restoration and preservation of order permanently.”
Congressman Joe J. Manlove (Missouri), Joplin, Mo. -“Not only my constituents, but every civilized person on earth, abhors the massacres of the Jewish population in Palestine. The people of our country repose great confidence in President Hoover, and I feel assured that his superior knowledge of world affairs, coupled with his sympathetic disposition, constitutes him a leader in thought and action in matters of this character.”
Congressman John J. Boylan (New York), New York City, N.Y. -“I wish to express my sincere sympathy with those who have been sorrowed through the fanatical onslaughts of the Arabs. It is indeed regrettable in these days that such a catastrophe could have happened. Great Britain has assumed the mandate over Palestine. It was the hope of the whole world that under its strong arm a homeland for the Jews might there be established. Men of every creed and race throughout America have helped in this noble enterprise. I cannot, therefore, humanely sit silent in view of the atrocities that have been perpetrated. American citizens have been killed; American property has been destroyed. I have always held that every citizen of our country, no matter in what part of the world he was visiting, was entitled to the protection of our flag.
“Prompt action should be taken by our State Department in these cases. If Great Britain considers the mandate too great for her she should relinquish it to some other country willing to accept it. I sincerely trust that (Continued on Page 7)
order may soon be restored in Palestine and that the movement to establish it as a homeland may receive greater impetus from this temporary setback.”
Congressman John F. Carew (New York), New York City, N. Y. -“I do not hesitate to say that the situation as existing in Palestine should never have been allowed to develop and should be at once corrected. If there is any way in which the American government can properly aid, I will support it.”
Congressman Patrick J. Carley (New York), Brooklyn, N. Y. -“I can hardly find words strong enough to condemn the savage and barbarous atrocities perpetrated on the Jewish people. In my opinion it is nothing less than cold blooded murder of innocent men, women and children. The United States of America and the entire civilized world is shocked, and justly so, by such savagery and fanaticism. The right for the rehabilitation and re-establishment of a home for the Jewish people, which has taken place in the last few years, and which is one of the noblest and heroic efforts ever made by any people, was granted by the League of Nations and endorsed by the United States of America and by the entire civilized, world and personally endorsed and praised by Presidents Wilson, Harding, Coolidge and Hoover; thereby endorsing the Balfour Declaration giving to the Jewish people the opportunity sought and prayed for, for the last nineteen hundred years.
“Any effort made by the Arabs or anybody else to frustrate this noble work is nothing less than a crime against the civilized world. I strongly condemn the fanatic and savage deeds perpetrated. I shall do all that is in my power at the proper time and place in Congress to protest in behalf of my constituents. I have not the slightest doubt that the United States of America will see to it that justice is dealt out to the Jewish people, and that American citizens are protected.”
Congressman James A. Meade (New York), Buffalo, N. Y. -“The present plight of the Jewish population in Palestine commands the sympathy and support of the American nation. Jews and Christians alike are vitally interested in the building up of the Holy Land, as has been indicated by the large sums of money raised in America for reconstruction and rehabilitation purposes in Palestine. It is Great Britain’s immediate duty and the concern of other world Powers to take immediate and drastic steps to wipe out the insurrection and restore peace again in Palestine.”
Congresswoman Ruth Pratt (New York), New York City, N. Y. -“The tragedy of the Jewish population in Palestine-a tragedy the Jewish people everywhere are suffering-merits and is receiving the sympathy of the entire civilized world. Undoubtedly it will mean only a temporary setback to its great work, the only result of which will be even greater efforts to make of Palestine all Zionism hopes for-to build there a citadel of modern civilization and culture as another Jewish contribution to progress.
“The message of President Hoover and the statements of Secretary Stimson and Ambassador Dawes may be regarded as assurances that nothing will be left undone to safeguard the rights and persons of American citizens now in Palestine. If there has been neglect or indifference at the bottom of the tragedies, we may be certain that those responsible will be punished and that such compensation as is possible will be made. The action already taken by the British government toward keeping order and the reaffirmation of the Balfour Declaration by its author, as well as by responsible members of the Labor government, may be taken as a guarantee of faith on the part of that nation to do everything possible and necessary to keep its word and uphold its prestige among the nations of the world.”
Congressman Christopher D. Sullivan (New York), N. Y. City, N. Y. -“The horrible atrocities committed by the Arabs against the defenseless Jews evince the lowest form of brutality, particularly in view of the fact that the unfortunate victims had been prohibited from possessing the necessary arms with which to defend their lives and to protect their property. It is to be hoped that England will take stern measures to prevent further atrocities, to protect life and limb, to restore order and to take the necessary steps to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
“It is the duty of America to safeguard the lives of our citizens in Palestine. This is no occasion for delay Action must be prompt so that the Arab mobs shall know that the civilized world is against the brutal massacres perpetrated by them. I shall whole-heartedly cooperate with the New York delegation of Congressmen in whatever program they formulate toward this end.”
Congressman James L. Whitely (New York), Rochester, N. Y. -“The Jewish population in Palestine is entitled to the united protection of the civilized world, not only in the preservation of civil and religious rights, but also for active cooperation in the establishment of the Jewish homeland in which much progress has already been made.”
Congressman Charles L. Abernethy (North Carolina), Newbern, N. C. -“I wish to emphatically state that I think these outrages should be properly suppressed and I wish to assure you that I will do anything I can in the matter.”
Congressman John H. Kerr (North Carolina), Warrenton, N. C. -“I feel that the time has come to put a stop to the exploitation of the Jewish race by barbaric or other races. It is a blot upon the civilization of this age and the Christian nations ought to put a stop to it forever.”
Congressman O. B. Burtness (North Dakota), Grandforks, N. D. -“The great Jewish tragedy now being enacted in Palestine has my heartfelt sympathy and I feel careful consideration should be given to the question as to whether it would be advisable for other world Powers to take over the Mandate for Palestine.”
Congressman James H. Sinclair (North Dakota), Kenmare, N. D. -“The civilized world is appalled at the tragedy being enacted in Palestine. The responsibility rests with Great Britain who greedily accepted the mandate over the Holy Land. Our government should indicate to the world that the people of the United States are as a unit in condemning such tragedies.”
Congressman Robert Crosser (Ohio), Cleveland, O. -“I am very much distressed by the tragedy in Palestine and would favor any measure properly calculated to improve conditions there.”
Congressman Thomas A. Jenkins (Ohio), Irontown, O. -“The sentiment in my district favors the Jewish people in the present trouble in Palestine. I personally think Great Britain should exert every effort to protect the lives and property and to restore order.”
Congressman C. B. McClintock, (Ohio), Canton, O. -“I sympathize with all who have suffered through the disturbances in Palestine. American citizens everywhere deplore this situation and the government is much concerned. I concur in the opinion of President Hoover and Senator Borah, and you can rest assured that as a member of Congress I shall be glad to do anything to help stop this reign of terror in Palestine. I am sure our State Department will handle this situation satisfactorily.”
Congressman Francis Seiberling (Ohio), Akron, O. -“I am in entire sympathy with the idea that it is the duty of the government to protect its citizens and their property in any part of the world and that our moral force should be constantly exerted against religious and racial prejudice and any violence arising there from.”
Congressman U. S. Stone (Oklahoma), Norman. Okla. -“I am heartily in sympathy with the action of President Hoover and will back any movement or any action he takes in this matter. American citizens should be protected and every agency of the United States government should be urged to cooperate to secure immediate relief. I will be glad to cooperate with your people to the fullest extent.”
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The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.