
EST 1917

‘american Nazi Party’ Gets Permit to Open Headquarters in Arlington

March 31, 1960
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Arlington County zoning office today granted a permit for the “American Nazi party” to set up headquarters in a house here at 928 N.Randolph Street. The permit granted George Lincoln Rockwell, self-styled fuehrer, the right to have Nazi offices in the building but not mass meetings.

In Washington, Rockwell today announced that next Sunday and every Sunday thereafter his movement will hold mass rallies in the tourist center of Washington, adjacent to the Mall, between the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building.

He said his forces would use an area designated by the National Capitol Parks Division of the U.S. Department of The Interior “for free exercise of every American’s right to free speech.” In letters announcing the meetings, Rockwell’s literature carried the slogan: “National-Sozialisten Der Welt, Kampft Vereinigt!” (Nazis of the World, Fight in United Ranks.) District authorities have prepared plans for police protection of Rockwell’s Nazis.

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