
EST 1917

35,000 Mourn Reich at Great Lemberg Funeral Jewish Stores Closed

December 4, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Not in decades has this city witnessed a funeral such as was accorded here to Dr. Leon Reich, the noted Jewish deputy and Zionist, who died Sunday at the age of 51. More than 35,000 Jews, numerous delegations from every part of Poland, the vice-governor of the province, and representatives of Parliament participated. Jewish stores were closed and black flags were seen on many Jewish houses.

The Orthodox Rabbi Ziff, Dr. Barth on behalf of the World Zionist Organization, Dr. Schmorack on behalf of the Zionist Organization, Mr. Chajes on behalf of the Kehillah, Reformed Rabbi Freund, and Mr. Hindes on behalf of the Jewish Agency, delivered memorial addresses at the graveside.

No one spoke on behalf of the Jewish Parliamentary Club because the adherents of Dr. Reich did not want Deputy Gruenbaum to speak because of the many newspaper attacks the latter had directed against the late Dr. Reich.

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