Those hip, new Conservative Jews


The Conservative leadership has been wracking its brain to come up with a new image that will attract the next generation of young Jews, those who refuse to be boxed in by outdated labels but who yearn for the authenticity the movement aims to provide.

Now the Wall Street Journal has handed it to them on a platter: post-denominational.

Yup, the buzzword of the moment, and writer Diane Cole used it to describe dear old CJ:

Even the Conservative movement itself can also be said to be post-denominational in the sense that it bills itself as a "big tent," able to accommodate all comers, regardless of their degree of knowledge, observance and belief.

Her article itself was a glowing recommendation of the movement’s new machzor, or High Holiday prayer book, “Lev Shalem.” Twelve years in the making, it is truly a work of art and spiritual inspiration, as I wrote in my JTA article last month.

Cole loves it, too:

Comprehensive and informative, traditional and contemporary, this full-hearted prayer book speaks eloquently to the mind and soul.

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik will be reciting yizkhor, the traditional memorial service, from Machzor Lev Shalem Sept. 11  at a memorial service for the victims of 9/11 at Ground Zero.


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