Reform rabbis: Treat Arab Israelis fairly

America’s Reform rabbinate, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, has adopted a resolution calling on Israel to improve Arab citizens’ civil rights. Among other things, the resolution: Supports efforts by the State of Israel and Non-Governmental Organizations such as Sikkuy among others, to realize the promise of full and equal citizenship rights and privileges for […]


America’s Reform rabbinate, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, has adopted a resolution calling on Israel to improve Arab citizens’ civil rights. Among other things, the resolution:

  • Supports efforts by the State of Israel and Non-Governmental Organizations such as Sikkuy among others, to realize the promise of full and equal citizenship rights and privileges for all Arab citizens of Israel.

  • Particularly insists on equal educational opportunity for Jewish and non-Jewish children and young adults in Israel.  Even if “separate but equal” is preferred by both Jews and Arabs in Israel, that separate education must truly be equal, including funding at every level.

  • Acknowledges that Palestinian citizens of Israel have often not helped their own cause, while at the same time standing firm on the principle that all citizens must be accorded equal rights, reminding the world that even a criminal citizen is a citizen.

  • Endorses the May 31 decision of Israel’s Ministerial Legislative Committee, rejecting a Loyalty Oath bill proposed by Yisrael Beiteinu.

  • Opposes any proposed laws that would limit the citizenship rights and equal governmental services of non-Jewish citizens of Israel.

Read the full text of the resolution here.

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