Blitzer to Gingrich on Abedin: ‘She’s married to a Jewish guy’

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer mixes it up with Newt Gingrich on suggestions by Rep. Michele Bachmann and some other Republican members of Congress that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin should be investigated for possible ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Gingrich has defended Bachmann from her critics. (One of Blitzer’s rejoinders regarding Abedin: “She’s married to a […]


CNN’s Wolf Blitzer mixes it up with Newt Gingrich on suggestions by Rep. Michele Bachmann and some other Republican members of Congress that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin should be investigated for possible ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Gingrich has defended Bachmann from her critics. (One of Blitzer’s rejoinders regarding Abedin: "She’s married to a Jewish guy" — i.e., inept Twitter user and former congressman Anthony Weiner, who was an outspoken supporter of Israel.)

Some highlights from the exchange:


Blitzer: “You don’t know her, I know her. She’s married to a Jewish guy…. She is not in a part of a Muslim Brotherhood conspiracy or anything like that.”

Gingrich: “One leading figure said, ‘I don’t know her, but I’m sure she’s okay’” …

Blitzer: “I know her, and I’m sure she’s okay.”

Gingrich: “Okay, I’m just suggesting to you that that’s when you get into a groupthink that says don’t even ask these questions.”

The Hill has more on the exchange. JTA reported on some leading Jewish groups’ criticism of Bachmann’s actions.


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