Rosenberg and Silverstein on Sanchez


Two different perspectives on the Rick Sanchez "Jews control the media" debacle, from the Jewish left.

MJ Rosenberg, at the Huffington Post, calls for context:

I feel bad for Sanchez because his attack on [Jon] Stewart and Jews was not the adult Sanchez talking but the hurt Latino immigrant child who has always felt (rightly or wrongly) that white America looked down on him.

That is how it must have been for him at 6. And he still can’t get over it.

Richard Silverstein at Tikun Olam is reminded that "racism is an equal opportunity employer":

Just because you’re a discriminated-against minority doesn’t mean that you too can’t be racist.

Paul Campos, at Lawyers, Guns and Money notes he and Sanchez have similar upbringings — and takes the ex-CNN anchor to the woodshed:

It’s unfortunate that a CNN pooh bah once said something tactless to you, but if that’s your best example of what sort of things you’ve had to overcome as a “minority” in America, then I suggest you might ask yourself why your last name is still Sanchez while Jon Stuart Leibowitz’s is now Stewart.

Judge for yourself. And note Sirius talk show host Pete Dominick’s nuanced take on Stewart’s relationship to his Jewishness.

Part 1:

Part 2:

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