Jewish Dems: Romney’s faith no issue

Jewish Democrats repudiated religion-based criticism of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney based on his religion.


Jewish Democrats repudiated religion-based criticism of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney based on his religion.”Reports from the campaign trail that Romney was criticized for his faith in New Hampshire are troubling,” Ira Forman, the National Jewish Democratic Council’s executive director, wrote last week on his blog. “As a Jewish organization, we feel a heightened sensitivity toward prejudice against our brothers and sisters who belong to religious minorities. In the 21st century, no American should be discriminated against because he or she happens to be Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Atheist, Mormon, or a member of any other religious group.”A New Hampshire voter who said he was a “liberal” refused to shake Romney’s hand during a recent campaign stop and said he would not vote for Romney because he is a Mormon.

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