Investigation Publicity Premature


It was reprehensible for the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) to disclose to the public that its Vaad Hakavod committee was investigating tabloid media allegations concerning Rabbi Marc Schneier (“Rabbinic Group Poised To Investigate Marc Schneier,” Sept. 3).
The RCA leaders either lacks the sensitivity or the concern about the impact such a statement can have on the reputation of one of their own rabbinic colleagues.

When a reputable organization such as the RCA reports that it is formally investigating media allegations of misconduct, such pronouncement lends credibility to unsubstantiated allegations.

There is no valid reason the public needs to know that the Vaad Hakavod committee is investigating the morality of one of its members. When and if the RCA has substantiated the allegations then and only then should the RCA take a public position. For the RCA to do otherwise only diminishes its credibility.

Especially during the yomim noraim [High Holy Day season] the RCA should consider whether the public statements concerning the issue weren’t lashon hara.
