Praise For E-rate Series


Mazel Tov on your investigation and article around the alleged E-rate scam (“Internet-Averse Haredi Schools Reaping Millions In Federal Tech Funds,” Feb. 22, “How Do Haredi Schools Get All That E-rate Money?” March 1).

As a taxpayer I appreciate your looking out for my money. As a New York parent and advocate of helping all American students gain the ability to compete and succeed, I thank you for looking out for their educational resources. Finally, as a Jew, I appreciate that this came from The Jewish Week first. The schools discussed appear to be doing what good Jewish parents try to teach their children is wrong. You on the other hand, are proving that the schools are just bad apples and do not represent the majority of Jews and our values.

While reading the article, hoping to find holes in the story, several times I thought “sure, that may be true, but what if…” and then my question was answered in the next paragraphs. This was a thoroughly investigated piece of journalism.

My dismay at members of the Jewish community allegedly perpetrating such a public fraud is only overcome by my pride that other members of the Jewish community are working to protect us from them.
