Another Example of Faith Sharing


I read with great interest the article, “Coexistence On The Prairie” (Aug. 16, In The Beginning).

The prayer space in Omaha was a beautiful example of “sharing” among the three faiths, Jews, Christians and Muslims.  Readers of The Jewish Week need to be reminded that just such an example of cooperation and coexistence has existed in New York for more than 50 years at JFK Airport.

International Synagogue, Our Lady of the Skies and Christ for the World houses of worship were built at one of the busiest airports in the world in the 1960s. Even after the buildings were demolished, separate chapel/worship space exists in IAT/Terminal 4. (In the new arrangement, we also have a Multi-Faith Chapel to accommodate the Muslims, Hindu, Buddhists, etc.) We do join together on special occasions to hold special commemorations (e.g., 9/11, Thanksgivings Day and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday).

It wonderful to know that our model of sharing and mutual respect is being replicated in other places.

Bennett M. Rackman

Rabbi/Jewish Chaplain, International Synagogue
