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Clearly the RCA (Rabbinical Council of America) is a deeply flawed and troubled organization. 
(“Orthodox Women Vow To ‘Take Back The Mikvah’,” Oct. 24) It seems to me they should disband, reconstitute, change their name and beg
Rabbah Sara Hurwitz, graduates of Yeshivat Maharat, yoatzot halacha (female experts on Jewish law) and other
women religious leaders from […]


Clearly the RCA (Rabbinical Council of America) is a deeply flawed and troubled organization. 
(“Orthodox Women Vow To ‘Take Back The Mikvah’,” Oct. 24)

It seems to me they should disband, reconstitute, change their name and beg
Rabbah Sara Hurwitz, graduates of Yeshivat Maharat, yoatzot halacha (female experts on Jewish law) and other
women religious leaders from the Orthodox community to join in creating a
body which can restore the public’s confidence in the integrity of Orthodox

