BDS Money

Regarding “BDS Money Trail Suggests Opaque Funding Network” (Oct. 16): So between the Jewish National Fund and Sheldon Adelson alone, the anti-BDS movement has received $150 million whereas groups supporting BDS have, by comparison, a pittance in their coffers … and the Zionist lobby is still afraid? WESPAC, working on a shoestring budget, does great […]


Regarding “BDS Money Trail Suggests Opaque Funding Network” (Oct. 16): So between the Jewish National Fund and Sheldon Adelson alone, the anti-BDS movement has received $150 million whereas groups supporting BDS have, by comparison, a pittance in their coffers … and the Zionist lobby is still afraid?

WESPAC, working on a shoestring budget, does great work in promoting an alternative narrative to the organized propaganda (hasbarah) put forward by well-heeled promoters of Zionism.

Newburgh, N.Y.
