Progressive Success


In the June 10 issue of The Jewish Week, no fewer than five articles address various aspects of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign against Israel’s legitimacy. I was disappointed, but sadly not surprised, that none of them mentioned the importance of the progressive Zionist voice in combating these attacks.

Just last week we had a case that strongly makes this point; an academic boycott resolution was narrowly defeated within the American Anthropological Association using this playbook.

Leading the effort to reject the proposal was Anthropologists for Dialogue on Israel and Palestine (ADIP), a group of Israelis and Americans that, according to their website, “promotes the use of our discipline’s critical theories and methods in working towards peace and social justice in Israel/Palestine.” They go on to express opposition to the occupation of Palestinian lands and support for a two-state solution.

I would suggest that these are the most effective advocates to make the case that boycotts take us farther from peace, not closer. They deserve our thanks and support.

President, Ameinu Manhattan

