Ein Gedi

May your waters run endlessly.


Ahavatya David and Reut Schremer stand at the foot of a waterfall in Ein Gedi.


The roaring in my ears
     As you fall so fast
A wonder, a beauty
     I hope you last
Forever and endless
     May your waters fall
The fall off a cliff
     So high and so tall
They start way up high
     And make their way down
As they fall
     They make quite a sound
They reach the bottom
     And waters gather
But stay, they do not
     Move on they’d rather
The turn to a stream
     So quiet, so calm
I sit with the water
     Flowing over my palm
They stay a while
     Then they too disappear
Falling off a cliff
     Somewhat near
Forever and endless
     May your waters fall
The fall off a cliff
     So high and so tall
