First Read For April 14

British woman, 23, killed in Jerusalem stabbing; Jerusalem bus prepared for Passover; Veteran Jewish journalist dies; Lithuanian school to give belated degrees.


British student killed in stabbing attack on Jerusalem’s light-rail

A woman in her twenties was killed today in a stabbing attack on Jerusalem’s light-rail system near the Old City, Haaretz reports. Paramedics performed CPR on the woman, who was stabbed multiple times, according to the Magen David Adom emergency response service. She was then rushed to the Hadassah Medical Center, Mount Scopus, where she was later pronounced dead.

Another woman, who is pregnant, was injured when the train stopped, and a man was hurt while trying to flee the assailant.

The assailant was identified as Gamil Tamimi, 57, a Palestinian resident of Ras al-Amud in East Jerusalem who was recently released from a psychiatric hospital, according to the police.

A Jerusalem bus, Passover style

Passengers on the 77  bus route from the center of Jerusalem to the Malha Mall in the south of the capital got a holiday treat this week from Ihab, their “cheerful Muslim driver,” according to the London Jewish Chronicle – “With advice from a Jewish fellow bus driver,” Ihab wrapped the entire inside of his bus in silver foil, “complete with a miniature Seder table in the centre aisle, balloons and flowers.”

“I wanted to make my passengers happy so that we’ll feel love for at least one day, in the hope that it’ll stay forever,” Ihab said. “People were happy. I was moved, and the passengers were touched.”

Jess Lurie, veteran American Jewish journalist, dies at 103

Veteran American Jewish journalist and peace activist Jesse Z. Lurie, who edited prominent publications in Israel and the United States, died on the eve of Passover at the age of 103, the Jerusalem Post reports. He served as an editor of Hadassah magazine and the Jerusalem Post, and was Jerusalem correspondent for several publications in the U.S. and England.

Mr. Lurie, who traveled extensively in the Jewish world was “an ardent campaigner for peaceful coexistence between Jews and Arabs in Israel,” according to the Post. Despite diminishing eyesight and hearing, he wrote a blog on the Middle East and Jewish affairs “almost until his dying day.”

Lithuanian school to grant belated degrees

Following the request of an Israeli doctor and the Israeli Embassy in Lithuania, Vilnius University has decided to award bachelor’s degrees to hundreds of Jewish students who were expelled from the university during World War II, reports. Many of these students were later murdered by the Nazis.

Expert of honor killings disinvited from conference

Phyllis Chesler, an expert on the “honor killings” of young women in the Muslim world, had her invitation to speak on the subject at the King Fahd Center for Middle East Studies of the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas, rescinded after three professors protested her inclusion and the school “got cold feet,” according to Arutz Sheva.

The website said Chesler, a prominent feminist writer and identified Jew, was called an Islamophobe” by her critics.
